March/April 2013

March/April 2013

Shining Castles Built of Mud Since boyhood I have enjoyed fixing things up. Well, not really fixing things because I am not a mechanic. (Yeah, I can hear some of you laughing!) I loved to buy old BMX bicycles at garage sales for $10.00, fix them up, and get them...
January/February 2013

January/February 2013

Grace And Truth “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begot­ten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). John the apostle saw and personally knew the Sav­iour, the only begotten of...
November/December 2012

November/December 2012

Who Are The Qualified In God’s kingdom, there are many jobs. As God’s workers, we have different gifts and varying tasks. We may question whether we are qualified for our role. As humans, we value visible abilities from intangible ones such as “Can I preach well?” to...
September/October 2012

September/October 2012

Power Struggles Power struggles. We see evidence of them daily. Between politicians. In the workplace. In the home between Dad and son, or husband and wife. Between drug cartels. Recently a 30-year-old man was gunned down in broad daylight in the middle of our town....
July/August 2012

July/August 2012

A Life Changing Event It all started when Cindy renewed her commitment to Christ. Since it was the third time she had made a commitment, Crystal encouraged her to immerse herself in the Word. That morning Jeff had mentioned how Bible reading plays a part in victory...

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