by MAM | Apr 13, 2014 | Newsletters
My Testimony. I, Lucio López, was a sinner far too great to receive this prize. You see, the Lord had never been in my heart like He is now. I sought after worldly things and desired to have great riches and become famous in things that do not honor God at all!
by MAM | Jan 18, 2014 | Newsletters
Deep in the verdant mountains of Quiche country, along a winding dirt road, is the village of Mixcolaja and a MAM church pastored by Humberto Mux. In a humble, well-cared-for, wooden house with beautiful flowers gracing the exterior, lives Yari
by MAM | Nov 15, 2013 | Newsletters
A Bible Lesson Boy’s Camp Cesar Vasquez giving a lecture Hand-made Canoe Making coffee on Survival Night Science Lesson Students in Institute Teacher’s Institute Participants Jungle Boys’ Camp Three canoes glide on the dark surface of a large...
by MAM | Sep 12, 2013 | Newsletters
Can You Find My Parents? Waneda Erb and a child from El Chal Cuarto Excursion 2013 Rio Dulce The carefully held-in scream suddenly broke through my pinched lips and joined my sisters’ screams as we were lifted high off the ground. I clung to my sister’s hand as she...
by MAM | Aug 4, 2013 | Newsletters
When Are You Going to Die? Death is a part of life. It strikes near and far. Boston and China, Syria and Oklahoma. There are car crashes and cancer, farm accidents and suicide. Death is tragic, cold, and cruel. And with reason Paul writes, “The sting of death is sin.”...