
The only changeless member of God’s church is Jesus Himself: the same yesterday, today, and forever. Every congregation and every member is in a constant state of change. People move in and move out. People grow up spiritually, and grow old physically. But Jesus never changes.

The congregation in Lirio de los Valles is in a time of “accelerated” transition. Not only are they soon moving to a new church building, but they’re in a time of leadership changes. When Brian and Janelle Yoder felt led to take a leave of absence beginning in April, the church began to consider its leadership needs. Of the options that were presented to them, the congregation preferred to commission a pastor to serve beside Byron de la Rosa, who was ordained several years ago. Mark Gingerich will provide bishop oversight in Brian’s absence.


Cesar and family serve the church in the City.

The nomination process took place in January. Cesar Vasquez was chosen to serve, and was commissioned on January 26, 2012. Cesar is a teacher at Lirio’s Christian School, and has proved himself capable in various aspects of spiritual work.

Please pray for the Lirio congregation during this time of transition, that lives might be strengthened, and that the congregation could confront these changes with courage.


::Note:: To download a PDF of the entire Newsletter for these two months simply click the link below!

March/April 2012 Newsletter

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