Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that the New Testament is the final authority for the church and for the Christian.

We believe in the Genesis account of Creation and the fall of man. We believe in the Trinity, the Virgin Birth, salvation by faith in Christ, the soon return of our Lord, and the existence of heaven and hell.

We believe that to be saved, you must repent, believe, and receive Christ, the Son of God, as Lord and Saviour; that you must be born again and be made a new creature in Christ, created in His likeness, showing forth His virtues, and producing the good works that come as a result of His living in you.

Further, we believe that the New Testament teachings of simplicity and modesty apply to every area of our lives, including dress, appearance, possessions, and social and recreational activities. We believe that Christ must have control of every area of our lives and that when He controls us, others will know it.

We believe the church should observe practices ordained by the Lord and commanded by His apostles, including the Lord’s Supper, baptism, feetwashing, the kiss of charity, the anointing with oil for healing, and the Christian woman’s head covering. We believe that marriage is instituted by God, that believers should not marry unbelievers, and that the marriage union is indissoluble by man.

We believe that the Christian, though in the world, is not of the world. We are pilgrims and strangers, and as such, we follow the dictates and standards of our home country—heaven. Thus we do not involve ourselves in the affairs of earthly governments. We do not retaliate or take revenge—we seek to return good for evil, and to ever be ready to give of ourselves for others. And our goal is the same as our Lord’s, “who would have all men to be saved.”